Your checking account is an essential part of everyday life, 所以你要确保你有一个账户,在你的财务旅程的每一个阶段为你工作.

There is a checking account out there to fit your needs. Whether you're about to open your first-ever account, 或者你想升级到一个年收益率更高的账户, or you’re switching to a different financial institution, there are perfect types of checking accounts to suit everyone. 

请继续阅读,了解更多关于Arbor Financial提供的四种不同类型的支票账户.   

1. Free Checking Account 

支票账户应该为你提供所有你想要的便利功能,而且没有任何你不想要的费用. Ideally, you want a Free Checking Account. 这种账户最适合那些想要进行免费日常交易的人, including debit card purchases, money transfers, direct deposits, and ATM withdrawals.  


2. Free Momentum Checking Account

In addition to all the handy features of a Free Checking Account, 你可以货比三家,选择一个可以边走边赚利息的账户. A Momentum High Yield Checking Account 在你的余额上提供很大的利率-而且你使用借记卡的次数越多, the higher your rate will go. 

这种账户最适合那些每次刷借记卡都想让钱为他们工作的人. You'll get one rate for 10 to 19 debit card purchases per month, then it will go up for 20 to 29 debit card purchases per month, 如果你每次用借记卡购物超过30次,你会得到最高的利率 month

Note: Benefits are capped to the first $15,000 in your account.

3. Premier Checking Account

我们都见过机场的贵宾柜台,但你知道你可以买到 Premier Dividend Checking Account, too? You know you've made it once you've signed up for this account!

A balance of $2,500美元或更多将使你有资格获得有竞争力的股息,这样你就可以看着你的钱增长! 如果你认为股息是留给股市的,那你就大错特错了. 作为一个信用合作社的成员,你是一个共同所有者,所以一部分收入会回到你的手中.

Plus, see your APY jump as your balance goes up. You'll earn more once you reach the milestones of $25,000 and $100,000.

注意:为了激励你继续储蓄,如果你的余额低于2500美元,每月将收取25美元的费用. So keep up the good work, and you'll be fine!

4. Volt Account

青少年和年轻人需要正确地开始他们的理财之旅 Volt Teen Account and a Volt Young Adult Account come in. 伏特青少年帐户是专门为13至18岁的人设计的,伏特青年成人帐户是为19至24岁的人设计的.

伏特支票账户意味着青少年和年轻人可以亲自熟悉加拿大28软件加拿大28免费大数据分析, online, or on a mobile device. 这也将激励他们开始储蓄,余额最高可达1000美元. With a convenient all-in-one checking and savings account, young people can learn the ropes and take charge of their finances. 

With this type of checking account, 18岁及以下的储户将不受透支费和网外ATM费的影响. There is also education and support available, in addition to the Level-Up Program with special modules for younger groups.

And parents also benefit. 无需使用第三方应用程序,您就可以轻松地向孩子转账, turn their debit card off or restrict usage, and monitor their account balance. 放心,你的青少年和年轻人将在他们的余生中做出重大决定. 

Bonus Perks of Having a Checking Account 


除了所有的伟大的特点,不同类型的支票帐户, you can take advantage of these services and resources:

  • Free Credit Checkup: 信贷专家会指导你进行年度财务状况评估,以确保你处于良好状态. 
  • Financial Coaching: 享受学习最好的技巧,用你的钱做出明智的决定,这样你就可以在经济上茁壮成长. 
  • Grow & Achieve Blog: Read up on topics relevant to your stage of the financial journey, including homeownership, borrowing money, and securing auto loans.


我们希望这个分类能让你对各种各样的支票账户有所了解, but maybe you still have questions. That’s where we can help! Arbor Financial的专业人员随时准备为您提供帮助和指导.



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