决定你能买得起多少房子不仅仅是一处房产的标价. 其他影响你月供的因素包括利率, 税, 保险, 收入, 债务, and future monthly expenses - to name just a few. While there are numerous “affordability” calculators out there, it’s important to first understand the whole picture.


预算评估你的财务准备情况,以确定你能负担得起什么——包括每月的住房相关费用和房屋的总成本. Examine your monthly 收入 and spending habits, and determine how much you can afford to spend, including mortgage payments and home-related costs.

Before you apply for a mortgage, you should know approximately how much home you may be able to afford. 首先,你有存款或钱可以支付首付款吗? 购房者通常支付房屋总成本的5%到20%作为首付款. 而贷款人将最终决定贷款的规模,你有资格, 你仍然可以得到一个关于负担范围的想法-这个数字可以帮助你寻找房子. 一项估计是,借款人一般可以支付相当于其家庭年收入两到三倍的抵押贷款. The amount you are able to put down, plus the amount of your mortgage, can give you a sense of the total cost of a home you can afford.

Factors That Lenders Consider When Determining The Terms of the Loan

In addition to understanding about how much you can afford, 重要的是要知道一些因素,贷款人考虑时,确定贷款条款,你可能有资格. 大多数贷款人会用四种方法来判断你的贷款价值,这些方法有时被称为贷款和信用的“4c”. 我们将探讨一些与“4c”相关的重要计算,以便您更好地了解贷方如何审查您的财务历史并确定您的抵押贷款金额.



贷款人用来确定贷款金额的计算方法之一是你的债务收入比, 或DTI. This is part of the “capacity” assessment of the “Four Cs.” Your DTI compares your monthly 债务 payments to your monthly 收入, and gives a lender a sense of your ability to repay 债务. 在一般情况下, the lower your DTI, the better your balance between 债务 and 收入, and the more likely you’ll be approved to borrow. 许多消息来源称,43%通常是借款人可以拥有的最高DTI,并且仍然有资格获得抵押贷款.

To calculate your DTI, first determine your monthly 收入; you can do this by reviewing your paycheck or online deposit history, or dividing your annual gross 收入 by 12. Then, determine your monthly 债务 expenses. These tend to be fixed costs that you pay each month. Finally, divide your monthly 债务 expenses by your monthly 收入. 即使你不知道你每月收入或债务的确切数额, 估计你的DTI是更好地了解潜在贷款人如何评估你的贷款价值的一个有用的步骤. 


In addition to “capacity,“信用”是“4c”中的另一个,它会对你的购房过程产生重大影响. 贷款人在决定是否贷款和贷款金额时,会考虑你的信用评分. 你的信用评分是一个三位数的数字评级,反映了你偿还债务的可能性. 在一般情况下, the higher (or stronger) your credit score, the better the mortgage terms you may receive. 公平信用报告法案(FCRA)允许你每年从一个全国性的信用报告机构收到一份免费的信用报告副本. You can go to annualcreditreport.com to request your report today. As you review your credit report, 你可以计划或开始采取任何必要的步骤来开始提高你的信用评分.

决定买房是一大步,但它不必令人生畏. 知道要问的问题和你可以开始做的事情会帮助你做出最适合你的决定! At 阿伯财政服务局l, 我们在这里帮助您浏览这个激动人心的时刻,并将永远只是一个电话或点击.

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